Mission - Cameroon technical – Nov/Dez22

Mission – Cameroon technical – Nov/Dez22

In recent weeks, between November 25 and December 6, 2022, in a partnership between our Chamber #CCBRC and the CIITTA we have organized another mission to Cameroun for the agricultural project of Cameroonian businessman Aboubakar Al Fatih.

Three agronomists from the entity were in the northern region of the country, in the city of Atibati, to survey the area of the farm for the production of the technical project.

To start the project, our guys had a planning meeting with the person responsible for the topographic survey, location of the landmarks and location of the farm areas. Then with the entrepreneur to execute the planning.

They were also received in Yaoundé by the Minister of Agriculture of Cameroon (MINADER), Mr. Joseph Ngute, on Sunday, 25/Nov/2022.

Our warriors traveled more than 30km in the middle of the native vegetation in a sun of 39 degrees to raise an area of 600 hectares where we will implement the pilot project that will later be replicated to more than 50 thousand hectares in the corn, sunflower, pasture and rice sectors. Samples were made from soil collections and water analysis (potability) and other surveys for the implementation of this first pilot phase.

We will also be working on Mr. Aboubakar’s other palm and cotton projects. Implementation of Brazilian cattle genetics and other sectors that we are gradually discussing and evaluating the possibilities.

What we are doing is the work of transforming a country and a region in the agricultural sector and I cannot deny that I feel extremely honoured by the partnership with CIITTAA that from the first day, when I looked for Mr. Cleber Guarany, I was received and welcomed by his entire team with affection. We have been doing our best to ensure that all these projects take shape and are successfully completed, which is our main goal. We want to turn Africa into a food producer and bring there dignity, development and everything that any country deserves.

When Thomas Tcheuffa, my president met me in 2012, he said I had a mission with Africa because of my last name. At the right time, everything has happened as it should be. For me it’s more than a mission, it’s the legacy we want to leave to the world and to be able to participate by promoting and paving the way in Cameroun and in the countries that talk to me, it’s a great emotion.

Thank you team, embassies, partners and friends. I love working with you guys. Brazil is the only country in the world that can collaborate with Africa with more than 50 years of research and development in tropical agriculture.

Marcus Mendes, Eduardo Gouvea and Evandro Rigo, thank you very much for your strength and commitment! Now let’s work on these projects!

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